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Old 08-06-2004, 10:19 AM   #24 (permalink)
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I don't feel like I get a lot of value out of television in giving me the best information and the best entertainment. However, there are some things about television that I think are very important to pay attention to in order to be connected to the society that I live in. If everyone is watching TV, and certain messages are being relayed over and over again that is going to affect the consciences of many viewers in some way. I want to see these images and break them down to understand how people's perceptions are being shaped.

With that said, I have some observations. TV has gone down the crapper. The quality of programing has gone down dramatically, probably due to media mergers. Without competition, the need to be the best for the consumer isn't there. There are a couple things worth my time.

C-SPAN gives you a straight look at politics in action with no mediation. This can be very important to understand what really is happening in society. I like some sports; and in spite of many sociologist claims that sports are used to make people stupid and enforce the superstructure of society, I think that athletes provide us with a very compelling example of what humans can do by combining creativity, creative thinking, and our bodies together (you can imagine that weight lifting is something not interesting to me). Beyond that, it is fairly hit or miss. There are a few shows that I enjoy, which I won't enumerate because they're the exceptions and they change seasonally.
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