Everyone, at some point as a teenager, did something stupid that they look back on and disapprove of.
Had I been caught for some of it, it would have been extremely unfair to point the finger at my parents, because honestly, they raised me just fine. There's other influences that society needs to be aware of. Sure, as a minor they are under the responsibility of the parents, but it's not so black and white. A person at 16 or 17 is their own person capable of making their own choices in life.
Would it have been a fair assumption to give full blame to your parents for any trouble you caused as a teenager? For me, hell no. Choices I made were my own and completely disassociated from anything my parents did to raise me. Just something to think about.
17 is a bit late. Technically, under law, he's the responsibility of his parents, but I know back when I was that age... there was absolutely no difference in my maturity at 17 as there was at 18, yet I was suddenly legal to do pretty much everything except drink.
Don't get me wrong, he is definitely a nutcase and something had to influence this behavior. I just find it funny that people (including myself) automatically blame parents when it probably isn't so black and white.
I think the question isn't so much "who got him the game" as it is "why the hell would someone that old imitate what they see?" I could see a 7 year old doing it, because at that point they're still incredibly young, but not 17.
In any case, I still think people need to stop pointing fingers and start taking responsibility for their own actions. It's silly that we as a society accept their excuses of "a video game made me do it". Please. It did not, you're just insanely immature and unable to discern reality from video games.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 08-06-2004 at 09:08 AM..