Originally posted by onetime2
Personally I couldn't care less about the whole "issue". I don't like either side's position on this.
Kerry was in Vietnam he was awarded some medals. That's splendid.
The complete bullshit involved in this campaign underscores for me why current political tactics and the effort voters put in to understand reality are pathetic.
On the specific issue of military service the hypocrisy amazes me.
There are claims that Kerry didn't earn these medals. The response from the Kerry campaign is basically that they went through the necessary military channels to be approved so they shouldn't even be in dispute. Fine. I agree.
Now, on to the claims against Bush and his attendance at guard drills. His campaign claims that everything went through the proper channels, they were approved otherwise the military wouldn't have signed off on his completion of duty. Fine. I agree.
However, each side refuses to stipulate that the military approval(s) of the other were proper.
Now, on to this Swift boat group. They are a group of people with something to say and they are saying it. They are taking donations from people who support their message. Somehow the other side thinks it's wrong that they're doing this because they are supposedly politically motivated or whatever. Fine, while I think they have the right to say what they want, I feel this group is subverting campaign finance reform laws by taking unlimited contributions and working against Kerry. But so are the 527 groups being used by the Dems.
All the BS associated with these issues is fully partisan manure. Until people recognize it and focus on real issues we will only get more of the same.
God I hate when I agree with Onetime.... I feel so so ..... conservative. LOL.... I tease cause I love ya, Onetime.
I still say the best way for campaign reform is to force all stations that have FCC licsences to give not just equal time but FREE time.
Each federal and gubenatorial candidate gets 3 - 30 second commercials every other half hour or hour.
As for magazines and newspapers each candidate gets FREE equal space and the ads either run next to each other in WEEKLIES (Kerry's on page 32, then Bush is on page 33 and if Badnarik and Nader are on all 50 state ballots then Kerry and Bush each get 1/2 of page 32 and Bad. and Nader each get 1/2 of page 33) or in DAILIES the ads run every othe day Kerry/Badnarik get page 4 on M/W/F = Bush/ Nader get page 4 T/TH/SA and Sunday the ads are shared like in a weekly.
That cuts down probably the most expensive part of campaigning.
There is precendence for this as by FCC law stations have to have so much time devoted to public service AND they have to offer equal time to candidates.
The rules are now if a candidate cannot afford equal time "AW WELL, FUCK THE DEADBEAT, HE CAN'T PAY FOR THE SPACE"
But this will never happen the media makes too much money on campaign ads.
That's how I would do it. See if it works and how well.