Originally posted by Superbelt
You're right. I would also like to see all 527's barred from advertising. I'd also like to see the NRA, Sierra Club, ect stop political advertisements as well.
All advertisements should be restricted to positive messages for a particular candidate. Negatives should be strictly prohibited.
I wouldn't go so far as saying all negatives should be banned. I don't have much of a problem with the Sierra club and the NRA advertising. I think it's because they are more issue oriented than politically motivated IMO. I would expect the NRA to support candidates who agree with their goals relating to gun ownership and the like and oppose those who don't. So long as they focus on the issues that relate to them I think it's ok.
The problem I have is with groups that are created with the sole intention of supporting a specific political party (or opposing another). They become pseudo arms of the party system and subvert campaign finance reform.
I guess I see the possibility that the NRA or Sierra Club could change alliances if the parties eventually migrate toward the other side on issues important to the groups.
Of course, allowing groups with very specific agendas to continue to take unlimited campaign contributions while banning the "general political" groups from doing so would only encourage the parties to set up dummy issue oriented groups to campaign against their opposition.
In the end, what I would ideally like to see is restrictions on all advertising for or against candidates. If groups want to advertise to influence elections, their contributors should be revealed and their individual (and corporate) $ contributions capped at a reasonable level. That way those with the most money to advertise are the ones with the broadest support from voters.