Originally posted by copenhagen
I’m sorry to go off topic here but what's with bashing TN. I happen to be from East Tennessee and it's not backwards at all. Have you even been to Tennessee, or do you like to base your opinion on stereotypes
It helps if you read the statements before you make assumptions. First off, I was stating that NY tends to be in the forefront of technology in the medical fields, due to its medical universities and world renown hospitals. It was not a knock on TN. In fact, I was stating my lack of knowledge on the medical advancements in TN.
As far as bfresh goes, if you take a quick glance to the left of his post, you'll see he is, in fact, living in TN. So I think that gives him the right to state his opinions of its backwardsness or not.
Unfortunately, by assuming the situation and not taking everything into account first, these types of stereotypes tend to get proven true.