What proof is there that Manhunt actually influenced the kid? The article doesn't say how the murder took place, but I doubt he used a "plastic bag," "glass shard," or a "blackjack" to kill them (sorry, I'm not too far in the game). If he did kill the person that way, then either the game influenced him (and he has some mental problems and the parents should've done something) or he just used that as an excuse so he won't be seen as entirely at fault. More than likely, he played a game and eventually he killed someone.
And in the interview with IGN, the lawyer says the companies are at fault for marketing Manhunt directly to people under 17. It seems like just because it's a video game and involves killing, it's for little kids.
I forget where I read this and who said it but this seems like an appropriate time for it. "Video games dont influence our lives. If pacman influenced us we'd be runing around dark rooms munching on pills and listening to reptitive music."