I just finished reading both of wrkime's threads and I am truely creeped out. My cat just scared the crap out of me looking for attention.
Anyway, there was some talk about multiverse theory here and I thought I'd share this link
which puts the discussion into clearer terms. As far as I know, and think this link agrees, no physicist believes in this, they just think it might be a neat idea.
Now that I've put my Jr. Scientist Cap away, I can relate a similar story to wrkimes.
Friends of my parents when I was a kid lived in an old house on the water. At some point the wife started to get the feeling that the house was inhabited by spirits. Her family thought she was crazy but she confided all of this stuff in my Mom because she knew my Mom wouldn't laugh. I even got to go to a seance (sp?) in the house that my Mom and her friends organized with some local psychic lady. The psychic said she felt something was in the house, but I always thought she was just saying that (this was about 25 years ago)
Eventually the happenings in the house just stopped. My Mom passed away about 12 years ago and I thought my Dad didn't keep in touch with these friends of hers but I recently found out that he went to a party at their house, they still live in the same place. Maybe I'll call them up and see if anything else ever came of it.