The problem is this. The woman has to carry the baby for 9 months. Yes, it's all well and dandy that a guy could get custody after the baby is born, but before that... Well, the guy does his thing then just sits around and waits for 9 months. It's the woman who has the burden of pregnancy and child birth.
As far as the vasectomy thing, I had never heard that the wife had to sign off on it too. Doesn't seem quite right. I'd like to see some proof of that.
Yes, there is a huge double standard when it comes to womens reproductive rights. I'm not sure how to fix it, or honestly if it needs to be fixed. It's admirable that there are men out there who are willing to step up and raise a child when the woman does not. But bottom line... The woman is the one going through the pregnancy.
Lets get technology going so men can be pregnant too
I just wanted to say that I don't think that men shouldn't have reproductive rights. It's just such a fuzzy gray area thing.