borrowing from GH's commenting structure if i may...
the block have an interesting texture. kinda of like a candy my mom used to make. it wasn't very tasty. maybe it was from outer space. or maybe my mom is.
awesome combo.
i never knew Kitty-chan was an extraterrestrial.
but that sure explains a lot.
the eternal youth, speech without a mouth...
that center structure is awesome.
a giant corkscrew opening the earth
spilling the blood of the innocents like so much wine. mmm wine.
i want to eat those red bubbles.
are they cherry flavored?
i can't remember the last time (if ever) a chalk drawing made me pee in my pants. maybe i need to see a urologist. maybe not, that's truly funny stuff.
damn you for calling out everyone's influences! (ok, thank you. i didn't know the whale gallery. you are a fountain of knowledge) i enjoy your little details. i hope next week, your aliens will pick up their trash.
and to all:
great work. thank you for making this fun.