Originally posted by w|red
Not to be a dick or start a flame war or anything, but most of the foods and drinks we have today are far worse on your body than marijauna or other natural drugs.
I'm sure sixate realizes eating a cheese burger a day isn't exactly healthy. I had started to smoke almost weekly. Then earlier this year I was in amsterdam for a week, smoked a lot every day. When I came back to the states I realized it wasn't as much fun as I had thought it was. Since then I have pretty much stopped entirely. I also reailzed how unproducitve it makes you, where as having a couple of cold ones won't shut you down nearly as much.
I agree more with Sixate, drugs really aren't worth it. I would add to that to try and eat healthily too and stay fit. It doesnt take too much effort to treat your body nicely and in return your body will treat you nicely back. The worst thing I do to my body is have an average of a half a case a week, but despite that I'm still underweight.