Originally posted by fuzyfuzer
i am really against marrige completely. i don't like it because they take my money. i am 18 and i make just under 30000 they are able to take 30% of my money and i get nothing from them because of how much money my dad makes. doesn't seem like a fair thing to and i am sorry that gay couples are being singled out because of this vote but every dollar counts.
Anyone else read this and think bullshit, bullshit, bullshit?
For starters, I highly doubt you can make 30,000 a year and still go to college fulltime at eighteen. That situation really seems to be unlikely considering the skills of the average eighteen year old. Also, who is the they who are taking 30% of your money ? Federal income tax for 7,000 to 29,000 is 700$ + 15% over 7000. I can't see how that, even with state taxes added, would come close to 30% of your income. I'm also confused how your father's earnings reflect on how much you pay in taxes. The only thing I can think of is that he is claiming you as a dependent and that affects your tax return.
Also, this statement might seem mean but it needs to be said.
If you don't qualify for any fiancial aid, your family has enough money to pay for your college. I would kindly ask you to hush because some people, born without the silver spoon, actually have to take-out things called "massive loans" because they have poor families.
But hey you are making 30K a year; so why do you care about tuition costs ?