So This Shit Was Fowarded To Me In My E-Mail....
Don't think it's been posted before either.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: Here Is another Idea!!! we may have to move!
>____________ <font size=3><b>For those of you who don't live in Texas and want to move here, come on, we have plenty of room for you.
>____________ If Kerry is elected President:__After listening to all the gloating in the press and seeing the liberal whiners along the inauguration route, the folks from Texas would probably decide to take matters into their own hands.
>______________To wit:
>______________#1: If he gets elected, let Kerry become President of the 49 United States.
>______________#2: Texas will SECEDE FROM THE UNION as guaranteed by our right to do so when we joined the Union.
>______________#3: George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of Texas.
>______________Will we survive as a Republic?__We ll, let's see... NASA's in Houston (so, we basically control the space industry).
>______________85% of the gasoline in the United States is refined in Texas City.
>______________Over 65% of the defense industry is located here. (The term "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS" would take on a whole new meaning.)__Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years.
>______________Natural Gas - Again we have all we need.__Maybe we'll sell some to Mr.
>____________ Kerry.
>______________Computer Industry - HP, Texas Instruments, Dell, Compaq, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel... All located here.
>______________Health Care - We have the largest research centers for Cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world.
>______________Education - Between U.T., Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, TCU, SMU, University of Houston, Baylor, University of North Texas and Texas Women's University we ought to be covered.__Ivy grows better in the south anyway.
>______________Labor - Lots of workers here (and just open the border when we need some
>____________ more)
>______________We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance, etc.
>______________Defense - In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard.
>______________Agriculture - We are totally self sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs, chickens and vegetable produce.
>____________ *Gotta mention that we have an abundant supply of the best-looking ladies in the whole world.__And any snide remarks about our women being "corn fed"
>____________ will get your hind-end kicked --by our women!)__We have Faith in God as our Supreme Creator and Savior.
>______________Texas will have "In God We Trust" on the front and back of its own money.
>______________Texas will have prayers at all sporting events.
>______________Texans will have the Ten Commandments posted where ever they want.
>______________Each school day will be opened with prayer.
>______________We've got mountains.__We've got beaches.__East Texas is forest.__West Texas is desert.
>______________There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.
>______________Now to the rest of The United States under President Kerry:
>______________God bless you all...truly...and good luck!
>______________The Citizens of "The Republic of Texas"</b></font>
Now this does not necessarily represent the views of the Asta man himself, I did however think you dudes would get a kick outta this. Being from Texas myself I dunno if I'm all too thrilled about this shit.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project
It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys!  - Asta!!