Originally posted by Trisk
Oh...another reason a lot of Americans might tie themselves to some type of ethnic group is because America has no real culture. It's a land of individuality
That is completely and utterly false. It's interesting that you say we have no culture, then immediately list a huge contribution (individuality) to American culture.
The USA absolutely does have its own culture. Sure, it's a mix of other cultures, and it varies somewhat from region to region, but that doesn't mean it's not a culture. There are plenty of countries out there whos' cultures are blended from other cultures - most of Europe can trace cultural elements back to the Romans, the Greeks, and many other cultures.
As for varying from region to region - that doesn't mean the US has no underlying culture. Every region has a strong undercurrent of individuality. The differences are part of our culture as well.
I'm really tired of hearing that we have no culture. If you believe that, you're spending too much time in the basement on the internet. Get out there and talk to people. You'll find a LOT of culture.