Originally posted by maleficent
On the subways, there are signs posted all over the place that food and drink are prohibited on the trains, but she technically wasn't on the train. Why would there be trashcans all over the place if people didn't have food. What other litter would there be?
...there are no trash cans in metro stations. they were removed i think about 1-2 yrs ago because there were seen as potential 'bomb hiding places'. if you have trash you have to get rid of it before you enter. if it's a newspaper, it goes in the paper bin.
..i only know of two main reasons as to eating/drinking is prohibited in stations. for one thing, it makes the job of the car cleaning crew much harder when they have to clean up food/drink trash on the trains. in the past the had to stay for hours past their regularly scheduled(
sp?) work times just to clean that stuff out of the carpets, seats, windows, doors, etc.
the other reason is that sometimes the trash can be blown on to the track, which is a potential fire hazard.
i do agree that metro police went overboard on this one. she got rid of her trash before she enterd the station, and she was going to swallow the bar, so really i didn't see what the big deal was.