Ineteresting... I don't want run this off topic, but why should a person be able to spend even all of their own money? I realize that this is America and freedom and what not, but there should be restrictions on how much of even their own money the canidates can spend. Otherwise what we get are people like Bush (or insert any other old-money wealthy president here) that are only in office becuase they have the money to spend on advertisements and buying off the competition.
People should not be able to BUY the presidency. We institute campaign finance laws becuase we don't want big corporations to own the presidency, but we don't care that the presidents themselves are merely buying their way in.
I think that there should be a national pot that people contribute money to and each (viable) canidate gets a share of that money. When it comes time to decide who is elected, we use.... AN ELECTION to decide, not who spent the most money on advertisements
My heart will be restless until it finds its final rest. Then they can weigh it...