Originally posted by portwineboy
This is going to sound like a bullshit story but here it is nonetheless, and true.
My cousin, who I always thought of as sort of a good old boy up North runs a CD manufacturing plant.
He told me that no one is investing in the low end of the market anymore because no one sees a future for CDs. DVDs or the new HD DVDs or whatever they are called, are the way to go. He said his equipment was getting old but who was going to upgrade? when they bought the gear blank CDs in general were selling for much more.
For what it's worth.
CD manufacturing? He must manufacture pressed CDs, not CD-Rs, as those are pretty much always made in Taiwan. And I have to disagree. CDs will be around for a long time, and with the current prices for burners (40 bucks) and CD-Rs (10 bucks for 50), they will be an universal storage method for quite a while. DVDs may be popular for movies and increasingly so for software, but VAST majority of people almost exclusively use CDs for audio applications.