Originally posted by fuzyfuzer
i am really against marrige completely. i don't like it because they take my money. i am 18 and i make just under 30000 they are able to take 30% of my money and i get nothing from them because of how much money my dad makes. doesn't seem like a fair thing to and i am sorry that gay couples are being singled out because of this vote but every dollar counts.
Sorry, I'm a bit confused... You are against
marriage completely (my emphasis).
The 30% of tax that you are paying will likely be paid regardless of who is collecting benefits on any given year... I can't imagine a tax system that would increase based on something as fluid as that... Again, benefits in general are a seperate issue from gay marriage. It sounds more like you are upset with taxation.
To me it sounds like either a) you aren't clear on what taxes are or b) you don't like gay marriage