Originally posted by SecretMethod70
As for being "down" on traditions, it's really not the case. Names are arbitrary in the first place and, thus, there's no reason to have any convention that favors one thing over the other. Giving a man's, OR a woman's name priority is simply a completely unnecessary form of sexism.
Bingo! My "beef" with most wedding traditions is not that they favor the man, or hearken back to sexist symbolism (though they usually do) but that they favor one sex over the other for no good reason except for sexist privelege (I'd be just as upset if it was tradition for the mother of the bride to walk her down the aisle), and that most people adopt them just because they're traditional without really thinking about what they MEAN. I don't feel the least twinge about changing my name when I got married because 1. it was a conscious decision after weighing all the alternatives, and 2. we worked it out so that ratbastid was changing something, and I was changing something, and everyone was happy. The end result might be the same, but the process we used to come to the decision was one that was empowering rather than unthinkingly adherent.