IMO I would say that knowing who I am dealing with is a reasonable inquary. I am not saying, I saw it, you are guilty, but I would think it would be a reasonable precaustion to know who I am dealing with. As far as arresting someone who doesn't show ID, I was not sure of that at first either, until a job interview for a law enforcement job included a scinerio where a man refused to ID himself and I was informed by the people conducting the interview that I could have arrested the person. Everything I have said is from my training, be it in the classroom, or on the job. It could all be different from where I was trained and work, and where you live. Also, I am still fairly new to law enforcement, and I admit there are still some things that I have not learned 100%, but an officer is always training and looking for ways to better him/herself. Or at least they should. I just hope that either the officer or the people on charge learned somthing from this incident.
Just a TFP Rookie trying to make a name for himself.
Last edited by Kepage23; 08-03-2004 at 10:11 PM..