Depending on the options in his bios, he may be able to. (Eliminating the variable pin out differences.. Not familiar with AMD)
Basically you are overclocking the Mobo.. However, some accept the changes better than others. I have my FSB above stock right now, but I started below stock. Starting over stock just increases the "OH SHIT" factor.
If you did want to try it though, you will have to bump your FSB up to 333 though, and change your VCore to provide the correct amount of juice to power up the new proc. While doing that you will also have to fix your PCI and AGP ratio's to 66/33. If not, your Bios will use the same multiplier you used on your FSB on your AGP and PCI, and POOF. Bye Bye Board. HOWEVER... I would only try this with equipment I was going to scrap anyways.. If it is your gaming system, your parents system, or your main system.. Don't do it.
But.. It should be possible.