Sorry Matthew, I'll try again less confusing cause it is but unfortunately that's how my mind works. I have the knowledge and the info just possess very bad communication skills at times.
The night MM was on O'Reilly I watched the O'Reilly Factor.
After O'Reilly ended the show after's anchor guy ran down the DNC speakers. He claimed Osama Bin Laden was coming up next.
They went to commercial.
They came back the guy was talking about the night's upcoming events again. Then he said he appologized laughing, he had meant to say Obama Barrack and of course Osama wouldn't be at the DNC convention.
My take was it was very biased, very slanted and had CNN did that to someone at the RNC people would have been complaining imnmediately and crying for an appology and that guy's job and it would not have been a week before someone on here said anything about it. The GOP would also have a reasonable issue at the credibilty of CNN's handling of the news. I'm just surprised noone from the DNC has said anything.
Had I been Obama I would have been on every news show the next morning and ripped Faux News and demanded an appology. But it is obvious he has far more class than I do in this situation.
I just do not see how anyone can take that news source seriously when they allow mistakes that obvious and biased to be allowed and go unchecked. I found it disgraceful and hateful and for those watching Faux, their views on Obama's speech could have been tainted by that.
I do think Faux News owed Obama and the DNC a bigger apology but......
I don't complain or look for bias in the news but that was out of line. And I waited a week because I truly wanted to see if anyone else was going to say anything.
As for Faux News, I watched it for 2 shows that were pretty centered and in my opinion damn good those were Buchanan and Press and Sliwa and (can't remember the lawyers name). Those 2 shows were fun to watch. You had the right's view and the left's view and the 4 hosts were very interesting and good men. I think Faux made a huge mistake cancelling those 2 shows.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 08-03-2004 at 11:22 AM..