I don't think soceity will end, I dont' think we will cease to be compasionate or caring either. I think alot of this just stems from how people choose to preceive the interactions they are having in society. It is very easy to buy the idea that all big buissness is evil, all materialism is immorale and commercialism kills spirituaility. I think that their are some greedy people out their who make immoral decisions to make money but on the whole we need corporations, they play their part in our capatalist soceity. Although I belive capatilism spawns materialism and greed, it provides the most people, the chance to reach their potential. With hard enough work we can each find a place in the world where we are happy. You don't need to reject materialism or capatilism to be happy, you can embrace them and remain to be a compassionate, spiritual and caring person. We need to monitoir what is happening in our society and act out when the situation merits that response.
The powers to be are smarter then you give them credit for. They do not want to see the downfall of the halcyon North American soceity. Although we see the effects of trade agreements and outsourcing we are wheighing our opinion of them on the small percentage being negitivly affected without considering the possible long term benifits.
I agree with you Dawson70, you don't need to be politicaly correct to be a benficial member of soceity. I see nothing wrong with your decisions and agree that right and wrong are perhaps not what is defined by the law as a crime but what we feel morally responsible for.