Calves are the bane of my working out existance. I have incredibly strong calves but they are way too skinny. I can do way more than some of my friends whose calves are double or triple the size of mine. Now I am a big guy (6'5", 230) and I work out a lot, but my cavles have just never developed well. I do the right things, get them tired first, then load up the weight and do max weight for low reps. But they just don't come the way they should.
I think genetics plays a huge part in calves. My dad has really skinny calves. Now I have skinny calves. At the same time I can't be too mad at him, he gave me good arm genes.
For the most part I have given up on ever getting my calves massive. They are the only body part that I don't think I could ever get to where I want them to be, but I can live with that. I'm just going to keep on going with the high weight / low rep routine and see small gains. Oh well...
"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy."
Lionel Hutz