Thread: Iron deficiency
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:42 AM   #11 (permalink)
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raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
I have had my Dr prescribe Iron suppliments for me 3 times in my life. I consistently tend to be iron deficient anemic. There is no real clue as to why since I have regular average periods with no heavy flow. I eat plenty of red meat and legumes. I found just last year that I felt so exhausted I could hardly walk sometimes. I was suffering from cluster headaches and migranes on a consistant basis. My Dr tested for my thyroid and lymes disease as I had been bitten my a tick (wood tick I believed at the time) and I had gotten a round rash elseware on my body shortly afterwards. She also tested for anemia and she herself examined my red blood cells. She described the cells as smaller than normal. Apparently red blood cells are the only ones that carry iron. They must carry iron to be able to carry oxygen as well. When they are carrying neither they appear smaller than iron/oxygen carrying red blood cells. The lack of oxygen accounts for the fatigue and in my case for the migranes and headaches. I tend to have LOW blood pressure (down to 30/60 at one point in the hospital) and the two conditions combined to make me feel physically worse.

I take iron suppliments most of the time. I find when I slack off and quit taking them that I begin to get migrane and cluster headaches again. I have NEVER had too much iron even when taking a high dose of 300 mg daily daily for a month.

You should keep in touch with your Dr since women who do not menstrate tend to build up too much iron in their system easily. I've also heard that you should not take it with calcium because they bind together (I can substantiate this if you need.) I also had one Dr prescribe Kelp/Iodine suppliments to help my body absorb the Iron as that seems to be part of the problem. Be wary of this though if you have any allergies to fish - check with your Dr.

One reason that I like to donate blood is that they check this and it keeps me aware of where my iron levels are.
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