Originally posted by Seaver
He voted against the bill in which that was included, and failed to come up with an alternative that included the body armor, so yes.
Look, I was raised by a military family, and am in the military myself, so excuses for not getting things done has never been acceptable. If he wished to get the equipment our soldiers needed, and voted against the bill that would provide it, he should have followed up with another/better alternative. I agreed with him on a lot of that bill that was porkbarreled, and if he pushed through a possible alternative I may actually support him. But he failed to do that, so I lost my respect for him.
Like I said in an earlier post, he did push an alternative, one that actually paid for the 87 billion out of an increased tax on the wealthy combined with a loan to Iraq. And like I said earlier, Bush threatened to veto it, and it died. Kerry voted no knowing full well that Republicans would use it against him, but decided to stand up to the political machinations of Rove and company.