Visas are what most of the major Financial Institutions carry. I work at RBC so if anything I says leans towards them, you now know why...
Back to Visas. Up here in Canada Visas are almost all of the time run through banks. In the states I beleive you can get just a "VISA" no names attached type dealy. Its still just a credit card. Ok... where am I trying to go with this?
RBC carries a Visa, as do CIBC, TDCT, and Scotia. BMO carries Master Card as do most all Credit Unions. Master Cards are also carried by other non banking Financials like Citibank, MBNA.
Visas/Mastercards are great revolving credit, especially if you are paying it off every month. But if you can qualify try to get a Credit line. Same thing but a much lower interest rate. Visas/MC average @ 18.5% Interest per Annum. With low rate options the lowest I have seen it 10.5%. But credit lines are much lower like Prime + 1~2% depending on credit or if you have some security or co-signers. Prime atm is something like 4.75% so 5.75~6.75%. With credit lines you dont have any "Cash Back" or reward systems.
Visas do offer many different Reward programs based on "points" per dollar spent. Depending on the card RBC offers points for
Rewards like Gift Certificates for The Bay, Futureshop, Home Hardware
Points to be used to select items from a Catalogue a la Zellers...
Points towards Air Travel.
I do not think that RBC offers a Cash Back Card. CIBC does. The CIBC Dividend Card.
The other banks offer alot of the same. Guess just depends on where you bank really. Mastercards I dont know too much about. Most offer Air Miles though... like the BMO cards.
And if you are a golfer dont forget about the "Mike Weir" card... you get points every time he wins! Really I am not that excited about it.
Anyways... hope that gives you some general information to help you find what you need!
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