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Old 08-02-2004, 06:11 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Deep South
Originally posted by Averett
I have a question about "New Music"

I'm currently listening to "One Thing" by Finger Eleven, which if I remember right came out sometime last summer. At least I have it on a mix CD I made from last September or so. The hip hop/op "hit music station" is playing it, and the DJ intro'ed it as "New music by Finger Eleven" which made me go HUH?

So, why do stations do this? Just wondering about the mindset on radio stations to plug music as "new" when it's months, sometimes years old.
Good question, we actually play it here, and it is "new" to radio. You are correct in the song being out and around since 2003. Basically two things could have happend, 1 is they signed recently with a major record company with marketing dollars to get it on the radio in the first place, therefore seeing as a majority of people probably have never heard of them or the song for that matter hence the "new to you" presentation. Or it could have been rereleased probably because no radio stations played it. Example, LeAnn Rimes - Can't Fight The Moonlight, they released the soundtrack version, didn't test well at all (people didn't like it) then about 6 months to a year later they released it again, as a more poppy remixed version which was well received. That could have happend, although I had never heard the song until the record company sent it to us about 2 months ago.

Its kinda like Maroon 5, they had their first hit "Harder To Breathe" in 2003 from the "Songs About Jane" Album, then came "This Love" and now in 2004 "She Will Be Loved" all from 2003 (when the album was released) yet gets airplay now on the radio even though if you have the album its not "new to you"

Kinda get where im going with this :?
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