no, the customer is not always right.
the wednesday night before good friday, an australian current affairs program decided to show a segment regarding mercury content in fish.
the following day being the busiest day of the year for seafood sales, every customer was an instant expert on this subject, and proceeded to verbally abuse us for selling such a product.
my boss who hadnt slept that night (started at 3am), and myself (started at 4am).. told me at about 8am (an hour after we opened) not to stand for their crap, and if they get on your nerves, tell them where to stick it, and refuse to serve them if they really get on your nerves.
customers yelled at me that we shouldnt add any chemicals to our fish, that we shouldnt sell fish that they named in the segment, that we should be taken down by the EPA and health inspecters because of this.
as phred said, 'customers that did business straight and on the level, they'd get the best service in the industry'. this is too true. any customer that comes into us that is on the level and respects us, gets top notch service, often resulting in discounts/cheaper prices.
in general, customers arent always right, and ones that think they know all, can go whistle dixie, cuz i wont stand for your crap.