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Old 08-02-2004, 03:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Ellay
What's this aboot, eh?

I had dinner at Burger King tonight. I should mention that I live in NY, which seems to guarantee bad service at any retail chain... As I was waiting 20 minutes for my food, I read the rules on their new "Spidey Sense" lottery-type game. Basically, you get a game piece and scratch off one area to reveal your prize or that you haven't won. For accomplishing this you can win such goodies as 3 Saturn cars or a life size lego spiderman. Anyway, it all seemed normal until I got to this sentence (and I did write it down so I could get it right):

"In order to receive their prizes, Canadian residents must correctly answer a mathematical skill testing question using the Canada Skill Testing Question Sheet found in restaurants..."

So my question is this. WTF? Is this to ensure that people are smart enough to be qualified for prizes? Is there some sort of Canadian Law that mandates "earning" a prize, and what for?? Has anyone heard of anything like this before? I'll say this - I'm glad that Americans are exempt from answering mathematical skill questions. The results would be humiliating and people would sue over the emotional trauma caused by being STUPID.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam
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