Originally posted by seretogis
ISixth Sense was the only Shymalan movie that I really enjoyed
Why are so many people on the Sixth Sense bandwagon. Personally, I think it the wort of all his "twist" movies. In my opinion his directing skills have only gotten better.
That said, his writing has always been hit and miss. Sure he's great at crafting a twist ending, but he's less than assured a writing human drama. Sometimes he comes through and sometimes he doesn't.
Honestly, the love story in The Village was just plain weak. It's only saving grace was that Bryce Dallas Howard was able to bring true emotion to the role (She's an actress to watch for in the future).
Then there's the horrible dialouge. Yes, once you know the big twist maybe the director can argue for the way they speak, but in my opinion it's just poor writing.
This movie, even more than his others, is predicated on the twist. And the problem is that he does everything to keep the audience from finding out the twist even at the expense of the credibility of the world he created. It collapses on itself.
Now, I liked the movie, and I think there's a lot to like about the movie. But I can see where people are dissapointed with it. Even if I think they're being too harsh.