I'm going to apply for my first credit card soon and I'd like your help since...well, I don't know jack about credit cards.
Ok a couple things:
- I need a card that will have enough credit for me to pay my tuition once in a while, that's the main purpose...which means maybe a ~$3k credit limit. I think. I know you can jsut do a bank direct thing but ppl are always saying something about a credit history so I might as well start now.
-I'd like a card that gives some some type of frills and bonus and those type of things. It's no big deal though

-I don't care much for interest rates, my bills are always paid on time and I don't spend more than I have
-If it means anything, I'm in Vancouver
So is my best bet to go to my bank? What are other companies that offer them? Where do I find these companies? I'm such a n00b...inform me! pls