You also have to consider what you'll use it for.
I don't think there's one single game that needs anything above an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (which is about $200). Doom 3 runs at 1024x768 High Quality with that card. The difference between Ultra/High Quality on Doom 3 is minimal.
It'll be a while I think before another game comes out that really demands anything above that. I bought a 9600 Pro in November for $150 and that thing is STILL top notch. It can run Doom 3 with ease (not maxed out, but that game is designed to look great on any resolution/texture quality).
Any other game prior to Doom 3 ... I can pretty much run maxed out. I haven't encountered a single game yet that the 9600 can't handle.
So if that boost from Doom 3 High Quality to Ultra Quality is REALLY worth an extra $200, then I'd say go for it.
I love lamp.