sion: pedantic point--small faces were a mod band that humble pie eventually spun out of (somehow--i cant remember--its early) and faces were rod stewarts band. they're both good, just two different bands.
suggestion: soft machine
i forgot about them entirely until a friend played them for me on the weekend.
their first two albums in particular, the recordings that feature robert wyatt fully integrated into the band. they are just amazing--great musicians, great arrangements, great everything.
would put their keyboard player up there with anyone on the list or elsewhere: technically and conceptually more advanced thatn emerson, for example. all that and hendrix "discovered them" toured the states with them on his first go round.
from the "help me out" list:
vanilla fudge was an interesting organ-driven band--they were known for a long and trippy version of a beatles song, but which one i cant remember. they were a fine thing.
quicksilver messenger service--a great, underrated, underrecognized psych band. (remembered them here)
13th floor elevators: roky erikson's band! excellent sludgy psych-music, very odd---great stuff, however: this is one of the better aspects of generating a list like this--you get to find out about some stuff you did not know that will twist your head up a bit and open your musicworld at the same time. soft machine, 13th floor elevators are both like that.
lighthouse: they were a one-hit band, but it was a pretty good one hit if i remember---cant recall the title and coffee is not helping--all i remember is that they featured a flute player who sucked less than ian anderson does, and that it was a long track. it might have been started "one fine morning girl i wake up[/wipte the sleep from my eyes...." and the chorus turned on flying east, flying west there is no place we cant call our own or something.
hazy on it. they were from marblehead massachusetts, though, and for that alone should maybe be on the list?
other suggestions:
eno, for the 1970s albums (here come the warm jets, another green world, before and after science, etc.) for your list.
also---for your own head, listen to king crimson albums like "larks tongues in aspic" "starless and bible black" or "red" if you havent, sir! dont let the classic rock thing stop you at 21st century schizoid man or in the court of the crimson king--thereis cool stuff out there in the later (well middle) period....
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite