I don't even care about 99% of the movies in the theatre anymore - I'll care about what they do on DVD. It's not unusual for the big Hollywood films to have almost a completely different "Directors" or "Uncut" version of it available. I can't wait to see AvP, but won't be going to the theatre for it. I'll wait for the inevitable uncut special edition DVD.
Chronicles of Riddick is a great example. It was apparently made to be a very philisophical, story heavy, three hour movie. Considering I think Riddick is one of the most interesting new action characters to be created in a while (I'm a sucker for the anti-hero schtick), I was very happy! But Universal decided they needed to turn it into a summer popcorn action flick for the masses - and butchered it. They are now working on the directors cut for the DVD, so we can see it as it was meant to be seen.
You can be young only once, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...