From what I heard on the news the lady in question followed the rules as any rational person would interperet them. She discarded the wrapper and put the remaining bite in her mouth before entering. If this is a technical violation of the law, she can't really be resposible for knowing the food had to be swallowed. I know that ignorance of the law is no excuse, but there is no one alive who knows all the laws they could possibly be subject too.
It was only after she made an effort to comply with the law as she understood it that the officer approached her and asked for identification. I still believe that the Supreme Court pulled a major boner in there recent ruling that we all have to produce our papers whenever an officer demands them. It may have not been smart to escalate the tension by pointing out the police should have had other priorities, but her right to do so is protected by the First Amendment and the officer can not arrest her for this.
I have the utmost respect for police officers who do a tough and dangerous job. But it is bozos like this that diminish the authority of all law enforcement.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"