Get your change and pay the tip out of that. I agree that the waiter asking "Do you want change?" is forward. That should be up to you: if you don't want change, hand them the bills and say, "No change, thanks." (It is acceptable for the waiter to make the statement, "I'll bring you your change," thus raising the issue without making assumptions. Then you can decide whether you want to wait for the change or not. But you don't have to take any initiative if you don't want to.)
If you've got nothing but big bills and are splitting a check with someone, throw the waiter a big bill and ask for change. He/she will bring it back, and you'll use the change to divvy up the tab appropriately with your fellow diners. But since you've already asked for change, in this case you would be expected to leave the amount of the meal plus tip on the table without further change-making from the waiter. (Well, if you still needed change the world wouldn't end, but there might be some sniggering about your poor math skills back at the cashier's station.
Last edited by Rodney; 08-01-2004 at 09:51 AM..