I have it all the time like about once or twice a week. In the last month or so it has gotten worse (if Deja Vu is a problem). For example 2 days ago when reading another forum I remembered an avatar and the text being the same and had a DJV experiencee and then when I scrolled down the DJV continued to happed for each post after that untill like 5 down. Even me thinking it was DJV was a DJV. It was kinda freaky.
Today I got a new tool box and it had some keys to lock it up with. So I was looking around my garage for a place to hide/hang the key so that I would know where it was but a thief wouldnt. Well I looked for like 10 min and finally found a nail in an pbscure place and the second I hung the key on it I had DJV again.
I dont know what this means, maybe it is good, but maybe it is a warning for something. Im a paranoid guy anyways so I always go for the worst case senario.