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Old 07-31-2004, 09:26 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally posted by bluesunrise
Please, please live together first. If nothing else, it's a great way to learn more about one another. Being in love, and being best friends, really isn't enough to make a marriage work. Since you are making a lifelong commitment, you should take a test drive first.


We lived "officially" together for another six months before we were married. We've been very happily married now for 11 years, and when our kids are old enough to be thinking about it, you can bet we are going to recommend a test drive first.
This is good advice.

I think the time you should wait depends on your age. At 30, you are equipped with more life experience to make such a HUGE decision, than you are at 18.

I'm 21 - My first serious relationship lasted about 2 years.We were sure we'd marry... untill I realized something deep inside was afraid to. I thought of all the thing I wanted to do in life and wasn't willing to sacrafice that.

Now that I can look back and the sitution with perfect hindsight, I think I made the right decision. It still hurts, but sometime the right path hurts the most.

Give it some time. You're 18 and have an entire lifetime ahead of you. Your life will undergo so much change in the next 5 years, you will likley be an entirely diffferent person. If you and your girlfriend change together in a way that draws you closer, not apart, then marry her.

Are eithe of you going to school after highschool?

Good luck, man.
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