Is this the same wonderwench who started the f9/11 thread to bash it without even seeing the movie. You don't even pretend to take in both sides of an issue.
You seem to think that everyone on your side of the aisle is incapable of underhandedness or deception and you accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you of intellectual dishonesty and foolishness. Is it that difficult to see that the "swift boat veterans for truth" are nothing more than a republican allied political organization? They aren't bipartisan. They are exploiting the "dishonored veterans" to help the republican party reach its political goals. Just like you're exploiting "dishonored veterans" to get all up in arms about the democratic presidential candidate. I doubt you'd bat an eye if bush ever did anything to that could be percieved as unbecoming towards veterans.
note: if you're going to try and nitpick my grammar, and imply that you are still in high school in the process, at least choose something that is clearly grammatically wrong.
Last edited by filtherton; 08-01-2004 at 10:01 AM..