Far from his small town home, hiding in a small hedge outside her house he placed two rounds in the chamber. Billy never shot anyone before, he tried once but, well, sweat had steamed his glasses up and he missed.
Angie was a pretty good partner for the most part. Smart and quick, she had saved his ass more than once. It was hard to justify what he was about to do, when he thought too much, of course he wasn't real good at that anyway. But Angie was. Yeah, she was pretty smart, just not smart enough.
Billy could still feel the wet spot, where a trickle of blood soaked his pants.
"Cut off my fuckin' ball, that bitch." he mumbled in his southern exposed attempt at english. Ten years in the corps had taught him how to melt flesh to stop bleeding, that hurt more than the scissors she used.
Billy was well pissed, and in enough pain to make the snow an afterthought in a mangled mind. Still he needed to get closer, and the plows had piled a good ten feet of brown ice in front of Angies' windows. at least from the street it seemed so.
Climbing under the stunted bushes, he made his way, slowly to the top of the frozen hump. Only one light was on , upstairs in the bathroom. He did her in there a couple times. What a waste this was going to be, she could do things that.......gotta stop thinkin'.
The side of the house was full of what looked like Christmas trees to Billy, and he knew the last of them were right next to the back door. Sticking to plan he crouched through the evergreens, and up to the side of the stucco wall, he was so ready to do this.
There was a blue party light that lit up the entry to her back porch, it was the same color as her eyes when she was happy. Angie flipped between moods lick a freakin light switch, and her eye color changed with the attitude. Billy got out a wristrocket, and popped the bulb, nice and quiet.
As he pressed against the wall to slink towards the door he felt a little sting in his hand where it rubbed the stucco wall, like a bee sting he got when he was twelve. The memory flashed and was gone, his remaining ball ached like hell, and any other pain was barely noticable.
Almost at the screen door, Billy felt his breath get cold, as if the snow was giving him CPR.
"This ain't right", he said a little too loud, but he seemed to have had no control over the volume. As he inhaled following the outburst, his lungs failed to inflate. He tried to cough but couldn't, nothing from the neck down would move. Billy watched as the hard packed snow was lifted towards his face.
Angie put out her foot and rolled Billy over, index finger on the trigger of the 44 magnum she used for kills.
"What a waste", she said outloud. She could see the bloodstained patch where her handywork had ripped Billys' jewels, he had pissed himself as well.
Biily was about to die, but he knew those eyes would stay with him in the afterlife, They were black, and they held love.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
Last edited by tecoyah; 07-31-2004 at 12:12 PM..