Laura Bush (I had to try and remember her name, is it Laura?) is a good example. Supportive yet for the last 4 years, hardly a peep from her.
I REALLY like Laura. She's loved here in Texas for good reasons. She doesn't agree with her husband on a lot of issues (gay rights, pro-choice, etc.), but she supports him through everything. She's stated before that she's not too fond of campaigning on behalf of him, and that he's never asked her to, but she does it because she loves him. That is a great wife.
About Heinz, well I'm sure she's a good wife. She allowed Kerry to borrow 5 million from her to run for president, but her voice just makes me grind my teeth. That Mass. accent, with the holier-than-thou tone mixed with the monotone talking during her speech just made me change the channel out of cheer annoyance.