At a restaurant where I worked, the manager decided to use a glue trap. Like most of you, I though it would be a nice, temporary holding cell for the mouse. I found the mouse the very next morning, but things had gone horribly wrong...
It seems that he didn't just run on to the thing and get caught. Only a leg got caught at first. Then, as most animals will do when a limb is trapped, he tried to chew his leg off. Somewhere along the way his head also got stuck to the trap. So here was a rat with a half chewed-off back leg, all twisted up and only halfway stuck to the trap.
The other half of him, which was hanging off the trap, was frantically jumping and convulsing trying to pull free. It was the sound that led me to him...
I had nothing suitable with which to put him out of his misery, so I took the whole thing out to the dumpster and tried to put it out of my mind. Which worked until I saw this thread. Thanks for nothing!