And suddenly everyone served in Vietnam...
Few if any veterans come back from Vietnam saying it was a "good war" and a "fun war." Even those who volunteered seeing it a noble goal often came back changed - very changed.
Just look in their eyes and you will see what they mean - and it is always the same, they never wish to force war upon another generation after what they have gone through. They always hope their sacrifice and war would end future wars - but it always happens.
Anyways my point is this - such disgrace that the same ideology that honors soldiers and the military goes out to slam other veterans simply based on ideology. Rather than thank them for serving in a war few kids remember, few want to remember, and one that we lost - they go out and slam those veterans as "commies" and "traitors." Yes, believe it or not, there are many veterans that are "liberal" just as there are those who are "conservative."
Even if you disagree with those vets, I think one could show more respect rather than claim respect, but mudsling when it comes down to ideology - it just doesn't make any sense.