Originally posted by wonderwench
Al Gore recently gave a speech in which he compared Bush to Hitler - the same Al Gore who spoke at the Democratic Convention during which Kerry was inaugurated.
Moveon.org, which supports the Democrats, had an ad in which Bush was compared to Hitler featured on its site. For months after they said it had been removed, the ad continued to appear under a series of revised urls that were sent to anti-Bush people.
As for "W" Ketchup - there is a difference between saying "Yay my team!" vs. "Hatel the other guy!" Another instance in which a sense of humor is a good thing.
What Gore REALLY said in reference to Bush's opposition to humanitarian nation building was this:
"The absence of enlightened nation-building after world war one led directly to the conditions which made Germany vulnerable to fascism and the rise of Adolf Hitler, and made all of Europe vulnerable to his evil designs," Gore argued.
This is very far from calling Bush "Hitler" or even accusing him of any fascist similarities at all.
Kerry disavowed the MoveOn Hitler ad (a submission from an unaffiliated artist into a contest) and MoveOn claimed that they removed it. You say they didn't, but I don't see any proof of that. Who knows.
By the way, W ketchup was produced so that conservatives don't have to buy something with Heinz on it...that seems a little out there to me.
Yes, all the vitriole is bad for the political environment. We really should stop pointing fingers at each other. However, I have to address what seems to be a common American conservative mantra, namely, that all of Bush's opponents are motivated by an illogical hate (as if there aren't plenty of perfectly sensible reasons to crticize Bush).