Originally posted by jcookc6
Did anyone hear the guy on the Michael Savage show tonight? I think his name was Steve Gardner and he was a Gunners Mate on Jawn's boat for 2 months.
Again, the right refuses to just stick to the issues and have to keep trying to "drudge" up this Vietnam issue.
Ok, so let's say the Vietnam issue causes enough people in swing states to vote for Bush and cost Kerry to lose the vote. It wasn't done on issues it was done on mudslinging.
What does that tell the future candidates? Tells me they will not win on issues just on who has the less mud on them.
It's a slippery slope we have been going down because when we elect officials because of less mud and not on substance then we get what we vote for. All glitter no substance and that is no way to run a great nation and make it better.
To me that is a hollow victory that is more dangerous than having someone who made mistakes or did what they believed and were crucified for their beliefs.