Here's another theory, the Kerry media got a unconfirmed report that a high level Al Queada operative got captured in Pakistan. Knowing that this news might break during the Democratic Convention and steal some of Kerry's thunder they {the liberal media} make up a story about the Bush administration putting pressure on Pakistan so it appears that the Bush administration is playing politics with the news when or if in fact the report is confirmed.
Yup it's out there, just as the other theories being expressed are.
The truth is actually probably more to the middle, Pakistan has been under pressure from Washington for a long, long time. This is probably why they have had their military up in the mountains conducting raids for months. It was probably a tremendous stroke of luck that they caught this fellow when they did. The Pakastanis probably don't give a rat's ass it was during the Democratic Convention, their just glad it's one less thing Washington has to bitch about.
"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by scout; 07-30-2004 at 03:35 PM..