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Old 07-30-2004, 03:17 PM   #8 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
Uncle Jim: Look Ned it's Osama Bin Laden... He's coming right for us!!! <Fire insane rocket launcher weapon>


I'll agree OBL's ass would be toast either way, but the show is well, just that a show. You'd probably get some asshat professor from Harvard who would try and defend OBL for noteriety's(sp) sake, plus this would probably keep the far-left (the one's that border on insanity) happy.

However I think it's retarded. OBL has the blood on his hands of not just American's. Even 9-11 took the lives of non-American's, that's why one could make the case for an international trial.

But on that same notion usually it is war criminal's who are tried in international courts, OBL is an illegal combatant so I doubt he would get that treatment. No way in hell would it be trial by jury, just for the very fact that is way beyond a criminal case. It really either comes down to who rules on it first, in the nature of this case congress has the constitutional right to dictate the venue and nature by a law as they see fit (Article III section 2), or the Supreme Court could step in and do likewise, it's not up to the President in either case.

There's something called due process. Which EVERY PERSON in this counrty is entiled to. The consitution isn't invalid fo one person no matter what they've done. Go ahead and call me unpatrotic you right wing bastards. But this is still the United Stated of America, not the United Dictatorship of America.
I won't call you unpatriotic, just ignorant.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
Mojo_PeiPei is offline  

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