You Basically have a point and shoot camera, with little manual override. There are three things to control light: Film Speed, Shutter Speed and of Course F-Stop. The faster the shutter speed the less light (and loss of Depth of Field)...The wider the lens is openend the more light (and loss of Depth of Field)...The Faster the Film (iso 100 to iso 200 for instance) the less light needs to hit the film to produce an image (However, faster film speed does get grainy). By controlling these three elements one can controll the way a photograph turns out. If I were shooting the squirrels (2nd picture), for instance, I would open up the lens one full (maybe half?) fstop. this would make the squirrels look great. You could also slow down the shutter speed to allow more light (but you might need a tripod to hold the camera steady)...If you are serious get a camera that allows you more controll and experiment.