If you are considering construction because you have not really thought through what you want to do with the rest of your life - STOP. Many people make reasonable livings in construction ans some make very good money in construction but they want to do it.
If you are in High School, stick it out, get help, look into the GED - anything to get a high school diploma. If you are in College, stop for a minute and try to visualize what you want to do with your life for the next five years. Would you be happy working in an office? Would you prefer to work outdoors? Do you like to create? Do you like to do repetitive tasks? The more you know about yourself, the bettter a decision you can make. If you have trouble with this idea, investigate vocational testing at an agency like the Y. A good counsellor can help you get the information you need to make a decision.
The main problem with just dropping out is that most people these days will not stay in one job or one occupation for the rest of their lives. Diplomas, experience etc. build up your resume for the next job. The more paper and experience you have, the more attractive you are to a potential employer.
If nothing else, consider how you would feel going back to school several years from now. If you would be comfortable doing it, consider taking a semester off to work at a job that might interest you. If that doesn't appeal to you, consider volunteering in a field that interests you or try to arrange job-shadowing in a job that you think you would like.
One of the nice things about being in school is that they usually have some vocational counselling to make decisions like this easier.