Originally posted by Wax_off
I'll bite.
I want to know how you think telling the truth dishonors those soldiers? Wouldn't the actual dishonor be to say that everything that happened in Vietnam was good and right and honorable? Perhaps you think lying or keeping silent about it would have been better. The real insult to those men and women was what the US government asked them to do.
Nobody is saying that everything that happened in Viet Nam was all sweetness and light - but neither was it the mass orchestration of war crimes as represented by John Kerry.
All soldiers receive training that they are not to participate in war crimes and if they have knowledge of them, they are to immediately report them. Kerry, by his own Winter Soldier testimony, must have violated his own training. He said he committed crimes and he did not report them at the time. Instead, he returned to the U.S. and accused the entire military of participating in war crimes.
Truth is one thing - exageration and lying for personal political gain are something altogether different and despicable. Kerry did the latter.
BTW, he stated in an interview in 2002 that he would not use his home movies from Viet Nam for campaign purposes. Another flip flop.